In this blog post, we’ll sail through the sea of Reddit slang and terms with ‘OPs,’ dodge the ‘NSFWs,’ unravel the mystery of ‘ELI5s,’ and together, learn to speak fluent ‘Reddinese.’ to make your Reddit journey less intimidating and a lot more fun.
So, without further ado, let’s set sail and explore the intriguing idiosyncrasies of the Reddit lexicon!
Complete List of Reddit Slang and Terms
Slang/Term | Description |
Alt | A secondary user account. |
AMA | Stands for “Ask Me Anything.” It’s a format for interactive interviews. |
AMAA | Short for “Ask Me Almost Anything.” |
At a [0-10] | A lighthearted scale of how relaxed you feel after using cannabis. ‘0’ being not relaxed at all, and ’10’ being very relaxed. |
Benned | A playful way of saying “banned.” |
Brave or So Brave | A tongue-in-cheek phrase used when someone states a widely accepted opinion. |
Brony | A male fan of the cartoon show, My Little Pony. |
Cakeday | The anniversary of the day a user joined Reddit. |
Circlejerk | A group of people excessively praising each other’s beliefs while rejecting outside opinions. |
Crosspost | Indicates the post was also shared in another subreddit. |
Ctrl-F | A method of searching for specific text in a thread. |
DAE | Stands for “Does Anyone Else.” Used when seeking common experiences. |
Defaults | The top twenty subreddits shown to users who aren’t logged in. |
EDIT | When a user alters their original comment after posting it. |
ELI5 | Stands for “Explain Like I’m 5.” A request for simple explanations. |
Ent | A term for a marijuana user, derived from a fantasy creature in Lord of the Rings. |
ETA | Stands for “Edited to add.” Similar to EDIT. |
F7U12 | An abbreviation of a popular subreddit featuring humorous comics. |
Fap | A colloquial term for masturbation. |
Flair | A special tag or symbol next to a user’s name in specific subreddits. |
[FIXED] | An improved or updated version of a previously posted content. |
Forever alone | Describes someone with no romantic partner and potentially limited social skills. |
FTA | Short for “From The Article.” |
FTFY | Stands for “Fixed That For You.” A playful correction or modification of a previous comment. |
GW | An abbreviation for “Gone Wild,” a subreddit featuring adult content. |
Hivemind | A collective consciousness, usually referring to the majority of Reddit users. |
IAMA | Short for “I Am A.” A format for interviews where users can ask questions. |
IMO | Abbreviation for “In My Opinion.” |
IMHO | Short for “In My Humble (or Honest) Opinion.” |
IIRC | Stands for “If I Recall Correctly.” |
ITT | Abbreviation for “In This Thread.” |
Karma | Reddit’s point system for user participation. Upvotes increase karma, downvotes decrease it. |
Karmawhore | A user who posts content mainly to gain karma points. |
Meta-subs or meta-reddits | Subreddits that discuss Reddit itself. |
MIC | Abbreviation for “More In Comments.” |
Mod | A moderator of a subreddit, who has the power to manage posts and comments. |
MRA | Short for “Men’s Rights Activist.” |
Neckbeard | A derogatory term for a stereotypical Reddit user, implying poor hygiene and social awareness. |
Ninjaedit | A quick correction made to a comment that leaves no trace of editing. |
Novelty account | An account created for a specific humorous or thematic purpose. |
NSFW | Short for “Not Safe For Work.” Indicates content with explicit or adult themes. |
NSFL | Abbreviation for “Not Safe For Life,” usually a warning for extremely graphic content. |
OP | Short for “Original Poster.” The user who started the thread. |
Orangered | The color of your message icon when you have unread messages. |
Power user | A user who is recognized by a large group on Reddit for their frequent and influential participation. |
Pun thread | A string of comments that all involve puns related to the original topic. |
Reddit switcharoo | A playful reversal of elements in a comment for comedic effect. |
Reddiquette | The guidelines for conduct and posting on Reddit. |
Relevant username | When a user’s name relates to their comment or post in a funny or fitting way. |
Repost | Sharing content that has already been posted on Reddit. |
RES | Short for “Reddit Enhancement Suite,” a browser extension that enhances Reddit’s interface. |
RTFA | Abbreviation for “Read the fucking article.” |
Shadow-ban | A secretive form of banning where the user’s posts are invisible to everyone but themselves. |
Shitpost | A post that doesn’t contribute value, often due to being off-topic or redundant. |
Sockpuppet | A secondary account used to express controversial opinions or deceive other users. |
Spamfilter | A system that filters out potential spam posts. |
SJW | Short for “Social Justice Warrior.” Used pejoratively to describe individuals who aggressively advocate for social justice issues. |
SRD | Abbreviation for “Subreddit Drama.” |
SRS | Short for “Shit Reddit Says,” a subreddit known for its social justice focus and controversial opinions. |
Sub | A specific subreddit. |
That’s the joke | A response when someone overly explains a joke. |
THIS | A way to express agreement or highlight a previous comment. |
TL;DR | Stands for “Too Long; Didn’t Read.” A short summary of a long post or article. |
TOS | Abbreviation for “Terms of Service.” |
Trolling | The act of intentionally provoking or upsetting others online. |
Upvote | A mechanism for users to express agreement or appreciation for a post or comment. |
Upron | A playful version of “upvote.” |
WIP | Stands for “Work In Progress.” |
X-Post | Indicates a post has been shared in another subreddit; short for “crosspost.” |
YMMV | Short for “Your Mileage May Vary.” A term used to express that experiences and results may vary between individuals. |
YSK | Stands for “You Should Know.” Used to share helpful or essential information with others. |

You should use slang in Reddit posts and comments
Using Reddit’s unique slang and terms is more than just a fun novelty. It’s a key part of engaging with the community, and here’s why:
1. Bridging the Gap: First up, using Reddit slang helps you connect better with fellow Redditors. It’s similar to how sharing in-jokes brings friends closer. When you use and understand Reddit slang, you’re showing that you’re a part of the community, not just an observer. It’s an unwritten badge of belonging that helps you build relationships and rapport with other users.
2. Navigating the Platform with Ease: Many of the slang terms used on Reddit have specific meanings that can help you understand the context of discussions and threads more clearly. They act like shortcuts in a maze, guiding you through the vast Reddit landscape. Using them can make your Reddit experience more efficient and enjoyable.
3. Encouraging Engagement: Slang is not just a communication tool; it’s a conversation starter. Using a ‘TIL’ (Today I Learned) or an ‘ELI5’ (Explain Like I’m Five) can stimulate conversations and increase engagement on your posts. It’s like a friendly wave inviting others to join your discussion.
4. Expressing More in Less: Like any language, Reddit’s slang allows you to express complex thoughts succinctly. An ‘OP’ (Original Poster) or a ‘DM’ (Direct Message) can save you time and space, keeping your communication crisp, clear, and to the point.
5. Adding a Fun Element: Lastly, let’s not forget the fun aspect! Using Reddit slang adds a layer of enjoyment to the experience. It makes you feel like you’re part of a secret club with its own special language. Plus, who doesn’t love discovering the meaning behind a new, quirky term?
We’ve braved the waves of ‘OPs’, ‘TILs’, and ‘IAMA’s together, and now, you’re not just a mere tourist, but a true explorer in the vast realm of ‘Reddinese.’
You’re now equipped with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the sea of conversations, debates, and threads that make Reddit such an extraordinary community. No longer will these cryptic acronyms and phrases make you feel like an outsider. You’re a part of the crowd now, a bona fide Redditor!
Remember, language is a living entity that evolves continually. Reddit is no exception, with new slang and lingo popping up regularly. So, stay curious, keep exploring, and don’t be afraid to ask when you encounter a term you’re not familiar with. After all, every ‘TIL’ (Today I Learned) enriches your Reddit experience.
We hope this guide has been helpful and made your Reddit journey more enjoyable. If there’s a particular Reddit slang you’re curious about that we didn’t cover, feel free to drop a comment below. We’re all about continuous learning here!
Until our next adventure, happy Redditing, and remember – the ‘Cake Day’ is always just around the corner!